Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Wake Up and Smell the Roses!

 Wake Up and Smell the Roses!
by The Girl With The Kaleidoscope

She struggles to figure out where to begin.

It's not easy starting over, turning a brand new page and beginning a new chapter. Those first words are always the hardest to compose. Your mind literally goes blank and you can't help but wonder, am I where I'm supposed to be?

Is what I want to do, truly what I should be doing? She can't help but doubt herself and her choices. Dreams are foolish, she tries to convince her mind as it wanders to yet another imaginary possibility. They are hypocritical, unattainable and selfish!

But we still have them, we jot them down and spend every waking hour daydreaming about the possibilities and the 'what ifs'.

Money, fame, fortune, a hot new boyfriend, a mansion by Disney World. All bullshit! Dreams are just a way of letting you know that these are the things you will never truly have. Wake the fuck up and live reality!

It's frustrating, and the tears in her eyes sting like acid.

Problem with reality is that it's bleak and dark and disgusting! It smells of piss and blood and heartache, and who the hell wants to be a part of that?! Who wants to walk in the muck of reality when they can swim in the fresh waters of dreams?

She can't seem to make up her mind, though, do I really want to be here or there? Do I want to continue dreaming, or do I want to suck it up and tread through the muck?

Darling, you don't have a choice in the matter. Reality of the situation, is that it's not about what you want, but what needs to be. And reality needs to be. Being stinky, bloody, dirty and depressed is what needs to be. There's no escaping it. No point of even trying.

But for how long can I keep up with this reality?

Her questions and doubts will probably never be answered. She will probably continue to question, continue to dream. At least until reality sinks in and her dreams become another distant memory, never to be exhumed again. She will walk through life just like the rest of the world. In a dream like state of mind.

Note from the author: Sometimes I disassociate myself from me for a brief moment while writing a personal blog post.

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