Monday, October 21, 2013

There is No Me Without You

The tone was set for the rest of the season with this one desperate line, "there is no me without you". How does one come back from such a confession?

As sweet and heartbreaking as that confession was, Dean's attachment to his brother, his desperation to not live in a world without him has probably led him to commit the most unspeakable act. To trick Sam's dying soul into saying yes to an angel possession, when Dean knows very well how Sam feels about being possessed, not having any control over his body and his actions. To have his little brother's mind wiped so that Sam would not remember any of it, especially after Sam made it perfectly clear when Dean wiped Lisa's memory back in season 6 that he found it to be extremely wrong. Dean took away Sam's free will, and though I do understand why he did it, it's definitely a line that was crossed. Dean won't be able to come back from that, ever. It's tragic.

Will Dean ever be able to forgive himself? Will he be able to justify himself if/when Sam ever does find out? And the previous season ended so well, despite the angels falling and Sam dying, at least they were on the same page, they were both in the fight together. Now, they are both in the fight together, but under false pretenses and I fear the worst is going to come as the season unfolds.

One can argue that Dean is doing what's best for the world. He knows that he and Sam are the only ones who can really save everyone. Not to sound biased, but I think it's true. Unless we are introduced to more hunters who can be considered capable if not even more so than Sam and Dean, I am forced to believe that the Winchesters are the only ones who can save the world and everyone in it. Perhaps, with a little help from Cass, Kevin, Ezekiel and possibly Crowley, too.

"There is no me without you", this line holds more meaning than a simple declaration from one brother to another. Dean is all about the hunt, he is all about family and keeping the family business going. If Sam isn't alive then he is basically rendered incapable of continuing on that road. His confession to Sam is exactly that, it's a plea for his little brother to see that he cannot be without him. Dean cannot be without Sam. Throughout the seasons we've witnessed Sam being able to live a life far from that of a hunter's. We've watched him grow and live outside of his brother's shadow. Sam has proven to us that he is capable of being his own person, that he is capable of letting go and moving on. Dean cannot, it's not as easy for him as it is for his little brother. At the risk of sounding cliched and homoerotic, Dean breathes Sam, he eats, wakes up and sleeps Sam. Sam is Dean's whole life, no matter how bad things got, no matter how impossible, that one thing has always remained constant. If Sam were to ever truly die, never to be able to come back again, Dean would die too. I guess the, going out in a blaze of glory, would be a better fitted ending for our Winchester heroes. In fact, after this episode I believe it would be the only way for them to end, or possibly begin. It is the perfect outcome for the homoerotic love story that is Sam and Dean.

Fan girl moment! Ezekiel is the guy from Doll House! I loved him in that show, hopefully we see him again this season of Supernatural :)

Also, I think this season's title card is the best one out of the SPN title cards.

Question to the fans:

- Dean's actions, getting Sam to say yes to Ezekiel possessing him, it was done out of love and fear for Sam. True or False? Do you believe he did so because he really wanted to keep Sam from dying forever, or do you think it's his way of trying make things right with everything? After all, he did stop Sam from closing the gates of hell permanently. Could his act of desperation be his way of trying to redeem what he's done? Discuss!!
XOXO The Girl With The Kaleidoscope

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